Whence the winds brush across the brow to find locks and curls as though a finger tracing an ear, as with the airs running through the great golden grassy plains below; and another hill rolls to reveal another mysterious pasture. Flying.
And that majestic hill still rolls and roils into the angelic form
of a quiet feathered pillow- rounding and serene as if in a divinity.
O, but to gaze upon ye, my vast and infinite sheets, with the warmth of a manger and still the brilliance of new fallen snow... and dark locks gleam tacit with sun kisses.
And a whisper.
Don’t forget to float in this oceanic dream in which you are always waking and swimming. Float. Float in a wondrous Drift...
Behind the scenes time lapse drawing of the illustration for the tiny story "Oceanic" using the dipping fountain pen. Why not subscribe to the blog www.ghostinthegaslight.com and receive glittering artwork every two weeks! I don't own the rights to the music. Just a humble Balkens music fan...
Solomon Landerman