The Queendom Of Withypoll

There were thousands of busy ballerinas practicing their alluring routines under a canopy of boughs and foliage- aye these were the forest flies. And suddenly, these most petite of little performers scattered, aghast in a flurry of membrane wings and tutu's as if in a melodrama at the sight of a looming figure approaching.
Geofri the Giant stood all of a towering four and a half feet and six and a half years of age. He had returned to his favorite grove in the Sinca Woods. 'Hello, My Friends!", Exclaimed He. Whence they saw the intruder to be none other than their Peaceful Ruler coming back-their consternation turned to delight.
Behold! They offered up 'The Merry Opera of Tranquility' which was chiefly: choreographed pirouettes bringing them to the edge of rapture and dizziness. Alas, they were too fast and small for the eye of a human to spot. And the Peaceful Ruler assumed the throne atop the great picture stone. "Aaaaah he is going to make another picture!", the forest whispered.
They awaited his direction with excitement. The first decree:
"My Teacher is weird..." the forest kingdom took note. Then several minutes later the next decree boomed forth. "I got a new Pencil today though!" followed by a louder statement, "And I cannot wait to show this to Withypoll! She is sure to sing something to me again. O, I do hope so." and the dancers spun again through the air and upon the leaves. "I do love to hear Withypoll sing things to me." And the shadows of the branches shook with glee. And the pencil drew a poem for little Withypoll.
And now we gaze at the drawing in Granny's old hands. It is frayed now and some of the penciling has been smudged. "And that was how I became the Queen of the Sinca Woods' Grove! When Geofri the Giant gave me this!" She says it with such winsome pride that... one would think she were but six years of age and still under the spell of that mysterious little 'Giant in the Old Woods...'
A behind-the-scenes look illustrating the tiny ghost story- "THE QUEENDOM OF WITHYPOLL" This was done using the 'dipping fountain pen'. Enjoy my friends.
Solomon Landerman