A Gentle Darkness

He remembers first that “rainbow of the night”. It was the strange colors of the ethers as the moonlight met the light of the street lamp.
Her lash fluttered at the hard edge of the latter upon those dark irises of hers. In an instant his fedora transformed into a shield casting the caring respite of night’s veils upon her flinching face from the hum of light.
She eventually hung upon his arm, steered them when they were lost and found a perfect place for dinner but here... Ah but what is my rush!
The magic in the air was of a stirring ilk. Whence their kiss lead them to falling sideways onto an old mattress upon the sidewalk- they stayed there, each leaning upon an elbow, taking in each other’s gaze. He held the shield upon her as though saying “I want your shadow as well” and somewhere in the gentle darkness he had cast upon her, he saw her undone locks. And here as she lay upon his dark jacket on the old mattress they could be the incarnations of Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh.
And each feels frozen in a lean upon the elbow- taking in one another’s gaze. Held fast in the beams of the moon and flare of the street lamps... Let us keep this moon forever giggles Beth. Let us never again see the Sun, answers Walt. And in the dark shadow of the street lamp, he can see the corner of her mouth curl slowly upward...
Solomon Landerman