A Fearless Friendship

A fierce break of the surface! A froth of foam through the air! A triumphant 'WINNIEEEEEEE!!!' roars forth at the zenith of his leap with foaming white sea-water all- a-burst about the once tranquil- now excited ocean. Any witness to this fantastic event will hear just beneath that massive beastly sound softer but just-as-happy-laughs followed by whoops. She is protector of this mighty water and should be feeling the inevitable loneliness of that position. Aye but Loneliness never found her-it was the Hippokompoi that did.
He was the gift of everlasting friendship bequeathed her at birth by the gruff and terrible Poseidon. For that gift she was grateful. There is nothing like a single playful, true, and loyal friend to traverse the vast Ocean with you. She feels this absolutely as his mane billows past her face in bursts of fresh air as they emerge from the roaring, gurgling, fizzing, salty water. With another giddy grunt from her great Hippokompoi before the next plunge- he breaks the ocean surface for her and in a flurry of white sea submerged they are. 'Tis a friendship to weather through the wide sea and the ocean of ethers. It is enough to make this Nymph weep with love.
See the Aquatic world wizzing by like the wondrous Gods and Goddess Creation it is- Here is a Bloom of Jelly Fish, there- a Rookery of Sea Lions, and still yet, a Shiver of Sharks -all threading out of visions and into colorful memories. Let her never see Olympus lest she contract one ioda of it's inhabitant's storied aloofness from this Oceanic reality. She is the of the Hiliai- who say-"Nay do not be separate from these beings. Be the spirit of the restless open sea. Give yourself to it like the one immortal life you are."
Another burst as they leap a second time from the tranquil waters. You can see the water streaming off of their bodies. Their damp manes glisten in moonlight or sun beams. The sounds of his grunts and sighs are a music as sweet to her as the jingling of her seashell-crown is to him. Aye to be this wild, and free, and powerful is envied by any creature... and Nymph. For the Hiliai is not like the other more demur secretive Nymphs. A forest Nymph has often been caught by the wrong visitor because she was bonded to a place. A tragedy rarely known for Hiliai. Her sensibility is of a vastness. She can travel the seven seas with her huge beloved Hippokompoi- a beast at once both of swimming grace and powerful dedicated drives of distance.
Together they are complete- able to set forth whatever Duty the Olympians charge them to do. Sure they are Protectors of Oceania but more importantly there is so much playing to do! She chuckles to her self thinking of all the exploits outsmarting lusty pirates, sinking armadas, rescuing seals and lost mariners, 20 questions with Cephalopods, racing orcas and dolphins, dueting with Whales, -and yet- the thing she favors most… The part of her life that is as miraculously immortal to her as her own existence- it be his company. It is that moment when they are riding together and she hugs the taught tendons of his massive neck with her little Nymph arms and her expert ocean-travelled Comrade finds that moment to nuzzle her face… and to lick up her tears of joy.
Listen to me read the tale to you whilst you enjoy a time-lapse of the painting’s creation…
A Fearless Friendship is now available as a vibrant print. See what other collectors have gushed to me over… why not get your copy today…
Solomon Landerman