Exhausted Faerie {Coffee-Stains with Ink Pen} ORIGINAL 9"x12"

Exhausted Faerie {Coffee-Stains with Ink Pen} ORIGINAL 9"x12"
THis Faeries occurred in the middle of my 2020 Feb-Bru-Faerie series. Yes that is all done with pure Coffee. Sleeping Faeries sketched out with pen/ pencil then painted almost entirely with the art of Coffee Stains. I have done the last few Februaries with this series. This is a favorite. It came together quite nicely and is the closest I get to something- ‘quick’. I am often asked what possessed me to paint with coffee and the answer is that I was loving it so much one day I started playing with the stains of black coffee on paper. I consider it the very opposite of wasting coffee. And so for your walls the cooffee stained sketch of a sleeping faerie…
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