Restless Faerie {Coffee Stains & Pen} ORIGINAL 8"x11.5"

Restless Faerie {Coffee Stains & Pen} ORIGINAL 8"x11.5"
The Art of Coffee Stains demands a bit of elegance to it’s madness. What I mean by that is that it can be unforegiving if you do not layer it correctly. Unlike watercolor- coffee stains can rehydrate if another layer is placed on top of them. It is generally best for instance to use a much thick concentration of coffee where you are going for a darker value or shadow. The way that coffee dries brings a warm gold or shimmer to its look which will be lost of another coffee stain comes to it. Some faeries cometogether quite nicely and though this little one is ‘restless’ she visited me with so much grace I had to frame her and put her on my wall…
Frame is not included.
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