Bandit, The Midnight Raccoon {Part, The Second}

The Moon blazed a light cold enough to rival the howl of the wind which seemed stillfurther from my person than the baying coyote. He had returned. A moment ago I thought, 'This time it MUST be a cat.' But I froze as once again, the dreaded striped tail revealed itself to me as he scurried through the road, through a ditch and up the scarlet trunk of a Sequoiodeae Tree. In a flash, the bushy tail vanished with his hind quarters as he whirled around to face me. What chilled me was the nonchalance with which the small beast stared back, his hypnotic eyes beckoning me, "Hither! Into the Darkness. There is nothing to fear- except the constant threat to your survival. What else does your hapless life amount to after all..."